Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tanzania towards a New Generation of an Inclusive society

Part II: System of Education in Tanzania and the New Subject

Before naming our suitable subject for inclusive nation, let us first of all familiarize ourselves with the system of education in Tanzania.

The system of education in Tanzania is based on 2:7:4:2:3+.  The first 2 is the level of pre- primary education (pre-elementary studies) which lasts for two (2) years of learning in school settings. Number 7 stands for primary (elementary) education which ranges from standard one standard seven, totaling to seven (7) years for this stage. Number 4 in this series notifies about four (4) years of ordinary level of education in Tanzania. It starts from form one and it ends to form four, and each stage consumes a year. The next number 2 denotes the advanced level of secondary school whereby a student opts combinations of three academic subjects and one compulsory subject nowadays known as general studies, popularly with its acronym “G.S” for students pursuing art and science subjects, and Basic Applied Mathematics (BAM) for science students who are not majoring in pure mathematics in their combination subjects at this level of education.  Other subjects of this, apart from the compulsory ones, are optional such as those relating to particular religions like Divinity and Islamic Knowledge.
The next level education in Tanzania is of the university level which extends from three (3) years and above. That means, all courses studied at university level must start from three years. There are some courses which consume more than three years, medication (physician) and engineering courses are good examples.

Other tertiary levels that are not included in this system but play a great role in education system in Tanzania are Grade ‘A’ levels for teachers who are preparing to serve as primary school teachers. Diploma in secondary education prepares professional to be secondary level teachers. Other non- education professions such as technical colleges of certificate, nursing institutions, laws related institutions and many others of the same level of courses should also be considered important for the new system of education in relation to inclusive society in Tanzania.

President of Tanzania, Dr. Jakaya Kikwete
The next question; which we, people of this vast nation ask ourselves is; which subject should be placed within the system of education in Tanzania, particularly each level of education and hold the key status of integrating the fallen apart society in terms of inclusion in Tanzania?

In any way that can this subject be suggested, from any source and from any trend of culture; the responsible subject must bear the status of being capable to carter for the needs of people at individual levels, national and international trends levels.

Minister for Education, Dr. Shukuru Kawambwa
The subject is “HUMAN DIVERSITIES” (HD). The notion of human diversities should be understood as human differences in the contexts of abilities (including disability), human races and colors, man (person; male or female) and his complicities and different cultures of human beings. The subject should not be “Human Anthropology” but it should bear the roots of anthropological studies. This subject, as it is suggested earlier, it should be strong in itself in terms of its contents that can touch human learning in holistic way following the systemic learning taxonomies.

The following below are the suggestions on how this subject should be conducted at each level of education in Tanzania.

School children enjoying togetherness
At pre- primary level
The subject should not be taught, because education at that level centers mainly to acquire three skills of reading, writing and counting. So this level should be left free from the subject of “human diversities”.

Inclusive class, disabled and non-disabled learners learning together
Primary level/Elementary level
This is the base at which the subject is introduced for the first time to the learners. The subject should contain several topics, and that at levels of standard I to IV, the subject is to be taught as introduction (example: sign language for deaf people and deaf-blind persons, primarily letters of the alphabets; alphabet letters for visually impaired people in Braille form) and the rest levels at elementary stages, which are standard V to VII, the subject should be conducted comprehensively; and at this level, among other objectives, the learners have to be prepared for national examination for the subject as other subjects do. And the possibilities for this course to be assessed in national examination as separate subject should be considered.

Kilakala Secondary school students
At ordinary level of education
This is the level of Tanzanian education system which comprises forms one to four; this subject should be conducted as compulsory, it should be among the subjects which form the combination before entering advanced level of secondary education. Main topics at this level should mainly be of specific matters such as visual impairment courses, hearing impairment, cognitive disability, deaf-blindness impairment and other type of disabilities. Other topics for this level should be those relating to human anthropology. The main objectives here should be that of intensive understandings of communicative means about people with disabilities and how the world is inhabited by people with diversities.

At advanced level of secondary education
By this stage the subject should maintain its status of being compulsory, and it should be one of combining subjects for those students who have chosen it as among the combination subjects. It should enable learners as one among the qualifications for university education entry. Learners with special needs will be well equipped for the communication means with their co-members of the society and the general understanding of their own diversities.

NB: Don't miss how "Human Diversities" subject will be conducted in tertiary levels of education in Tanzania.


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