Monday, March 7, 2016

Improved Access for People with Disabilities

Why do we need to ensure access for people with disabilities?

 In many countries, it is the law.
Many countries have either passed specific laws concerning the rights of people with disabilities, or have enshrined those rights in their constitutions.

It is a matter of fairness and respect.
People with disabilities have the same rights as others, including the right to fully participate in community life. Everybody has a right to live as normal a life as possible.

Failing to do so wastes talent and energy.
Many people with disabilities in all walks of life are competent at important jobs, and some do remarkable work. Denying people access to employment, education, or services wastes human resources and makes society poorer.

It makes good business and economic sense.
 For commercial operations of any kind, accessibility means that people with disabilities can become customers, increasing sales volume and profits.  Furthermore, if a firm is a good place for customers with disabilities to do business, the word will get around.

Many people with disabilities already have a difficult life.
It’s simple human decency not to make it any harder than necessary.
People with disabilities add to the diversity of the community, and that diversity makes everyone’s life richer. If they can mix normally with the rest of the community, they will have more friends and acquaintances, and more people will have the opportunity to know them.

Access for people with disabilities improves access for everyone.
 Making public spaces and facilities physically accessible for people with disabilities also makes them more accessible for people who may not have disabilities, including families with baby strollers, skateboarders, and bicycle riders. Making ramps a built-in feature of the environment is good for everyone.

Think Inclusively... Act Inclusively..... Build an Inclusive Nation