Monday, September 11, 2017

Disability is the Operating System

Image result for society and disability 
Disability is Socially Constructed Concept!
“There is no history of thought outside the history of systems of thought.
There is no speech outside systems of languages.
There is no spirituality outside received spiritual frameworks.
There is no disability, no disabled, outside precise social and cultural constructions;
There is no attitude toward disability outside a series of societal references and constructions"

.....Think Inclusively ....Act Inclusively ... Create an Inclusive Nation......

Will Disability Cease? Experience a natural Disappearance?

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The trend of disability shows that the number of people with disability increases as the population increases.
No technology, no medication services, no prayers, not charity services will end disability.

The end of disability will come! When? How?

First of all, I would like to express few words that: Every social phenomena has its base rooted in the social system.

Slave trade had social contructivism, it once came to it end!

Eugenic movement had its root in social arena, it real disappeared in different ways!

Women torture by men is experiencing its vacation!

DISABILITY as other social oriented forms, will, of course be dismissed without alert noises. The major tool to remove disability is through advocacy powers for people with disability, to strengthen the best body of knowledge to be given to our descentants; that DISABILITY is nothing rather than a social construct. Nobody is disabled in nature but every person can face disabling facts regardless being physically/sensory deformed or not.

At the end, nobody will deem having disability; not because there will be no people with various deformities, but the concept of disability will be changed in definition and social experiences. People with disabilities will automatically be registred as part of HUMAN DIVERSITIES.

When will DISABILITY come to an end?

The time will tell about its disappearance!


Kwenye jamii kuna watu wenye kunyanyapaa watu wenye ulemavu pasipokujua ulemavu ni nini na aina zake ni zipi.

SWALI: Ikitokea huyo mwenye kunyanyapaa watu wenye ulemavu akapata ulemavu atajinyanyapaa? Itakuwaje hapo?

Heshima ya mtu ni utu wake na uzima alio nao; si maumbile!
Image result for wheelchair people