Saturday, October 12, 2013


Labeling can be defined as “marking a person or a thing for easy identification”. In other areas, labeling is defined as giving names to individuals, the process of assigning names to human beings. There are positive and negative names, hence positive and negative labeling. Negative labeling leads to negative perspectives, while positive labeling leads to positive perspective.

The history of labeling is as old as human history; it was recorded since the dawn of human race. In Holy Bible, in Genesis 2:19-20a is written;

“And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought [them] unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that [was] the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field…”

From above excerpt we find that God was assessing Adam’s understanding while observing the natural labeling, and we are told that the names animals and trees were given remained the same to the present.


In labeling, there are things that force for it. They are the factors responsible for it to happen. There are four major facts behind this labeling process. These are;

This factor explains how individuals are labeled according to their traits. It deals with the way a person thinks, speaks and other personalities (in and outer ones). People with disabilities have been classified according to their type of disabilities.

This is the factor which considers physical appearance. It labels an individual due to how s/he appears. Therefore, people with physical disabilities would for instance be termed as they are seen from various points of views. For example, the cripple person may be labeled as chameleon as s/he crows on the land using four limbs.

This criterion is observed in relation to what a person with disabilities does. For instance, a person with hyperactivity disorder can be labeled as stubborn boy/girl.

This is the last factor used to label people, particularly those with disabilities. This factor, in relation to people with disabilities, affects much those individuals with hearing impairments, those who cannot hear and speak well. It also hurts individuals with speech impairments. They are labeled the way they produce sounds in the process of communication.

Impacts of labeling
These are the side-line effects of labeling, particularly to people with special needs. They victimize and finally undermine these individuals with disabilities.

Labeling leads to a specific perspective
These perceptions make the society get different attitudes towards an individual. It leads to a development of a particular attitude. It can be positive or negative. The positive perspectives have positive impacts while the negative perspectives will normally lead to negative impacts. This negative perspective will in turn affect people with disabilities. People around them will have bad concepts, they will not get friends, and also these people with special needs will develop self-misconception.

Labeling leads to stigmatization
 By definition, stigmas are the foregone conclusion about a person or group of people without evidence, proof or supporting ideas. Stigmas are very destroying because they penetrate in the brains of individuals and find their everlasting survival over years and one generation to another generation.

Labeling leads to segregation
People are labeled to be segregated. People develop labeling to determine how to treat others, they take for granted to consider it their rights to treat others the way they do. And indeed, labeling can be the source of disharmony, and peace may disappear, especially when individuals are mistreated.

Since human being is the only creature born with instinctive nature and later develops what he desires, and that, since all philosophical and anthropological stances are man (human being) centered; there is, the need therefore to consider all human beings equal and should be treated the same. This is the very reason as to why all bodies of knowledge are created by man to benefit man, and it shall indeed remain the same to all ages under the universe. Let us keep updating our souls and psyches with the beneficial novel doctrines in order to make the world a better place to live for every person.

"Think Inclusively ~~~ Act Inclusively ~~~ Create an Inclusive Nation"


Anonymous said...

Side effect of labelling also it lead to Inferior to the people with disability so it make these people not to concentrate in the community activities due to inferior! Thank u admin for good mada. Pendo simon

Philemon Sokime said...

That's true! People with disabilities are exposed to heavy systems of our societies, they finally fail to participate in the society and eventually are labeled as disabled! Pendo, we still have a long way to go!

Sanga Fidelis said...

This is the big challenge, for example, it is difficult when it comes to name students with Intellectual Impairment as a group. I experienced this during my Teaching Practice on August this year at Uhuru Mchanganyiko Primary School.
By Fidelis Sanga

Philemon Sokime said...

I'm happy that you experienced it practically. It is quite difficult to change, but we have wear stoic skins and minds so as to change it! @Fidelis Sanga